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Effective Executive Magazine:
A Question of Talent? : Metaphor with a different angle

This article explores the limitations of the War for Talent metaphor and links talent to the wider world of patents and battle ground of ideas as the high ground of the knowledge economy. In this economy executives must look after their own talent. Rather than perpetuating the status quo of the War for Talent, the 21st century must embrace the new opportunities with entrepreneurial zeal, be more precise about what talent is lacking and develop training and development programs to nurture and activate the hero within us all.


The term `Talent' dates back to ancient times where it was a high denomination currency. Wars were paid for by Talent. Maintaining two hundred rowers in a trireme in the Peloponnese War cost a talent for a month, whilst for ordinary skilled work a talent would account for nine man years and twenty man years of work by an `ordinary' person. King Solomon's infinite wisdom by comparison accrued six hundred and sixty six talents a year.

Somehow talent has lost that `mundane meaning' and `show me the money' reality of being paid for what you physically do and are seen to be worth.Talent is anointed with a mystique that carries cachet and kudos. There's an inflated feel good (or bad if you're not talented) factor associated with talent as a gift, something associated with the ultimate prize of recognition and reward for heroic achievements. It's classed as special; the more you have, the more you usually earn.

In the workplace, The Economist defines talent as `Brainpower, the ability to solve complex problems or invent new solutions'. Yet paradoxically whilst talent in the work context is concerned with `brainpower', and intellectual capital, it is an emotive topic subject to neither rational nor rigorous discussion. The problem is talent can be `objective', observable in action and impact. At the same time it is subjective, and contextual, open to interpretation, `retrospective coherence' and hype. Cheer leaders in academia and authors add to the confusion by falling under the spell of talent and exaggerating its' impact. How many thought leaders waxed lyrical about the transformation of Enron but fell silent when all was revealed it was based on fraud? What British historian AJP Taylor once said about history as creative imagination rings true. As he wrote, "we take the charades of the past too seriously. We take our hero's too seriously. We manufacture hero's because they occupy great positions…most great men of the past were only there for the beer - the wealth, the prestige and grandeur that went with power."


Effective Executive Magazine, Knowledge Economy, Training and Development Programs, Organization Network Analysis, Talent Management Principles, Organizational Performance, Quality Revolution, World Economic Forum, National Economic Foundation, Global Economy, Leadership Development, Employee Engagement.